Originally The Antique Reproduction Shop was founded in 1997 by Cindy’s mother Deby Yole who had the idea of bringing The Antique Reproduction Shop to life. She produced an amazing new look to the world of antique reproductions by introducing The Antique Reproduction Shop. With great determination she steadily built the business starting with only a small showroom in North Ringwood Victoria. The Antique Reproduction Shop only grew! The Business flourished; we became one of the leading and most trusted stores in high quality antique reproduction furniture.
With the reassurance of a well developed, long standing supplier The Antique Reproduction shop can offer custom made furniture, custom made replica’s and so much more. With the confidence of full quality control everything became a possibility. We now for the future wish to extend the business to its full potential.
The Antique Reproduction Shop has been dedicated to providing Australia with quality antique reproductions for over 23 years now. We are continuously training our staff to give exceptional advise on what ever your require. Whether it be keeping up with the latest idea’s and fashions or selecting a piece from one of the largest ranges of classic antique reproductions. We specialize in house and room packages to ensure our clients get the best price possible as well as a décor they will desire.